My kids are great. They really are! I am so blessed . . .
We spent last week together in San Diego. I worked, and they kept themselves busy!
This past week I was doing double duty--I worked for the Army during the day and BSC in the evenings. It worked (kind of), but I was exhausted at the end of each day, and I didn't get to spend much time with my kids.
And I apologize to those of you who were the recipients of my . . . snippishness (mostly BSC SMEs--is snippishness even a word?).
However, the monsters did a GREAT job of entertaining themselves while I worked! They played in the pool (or bathed in the sun beside it), explored Coronado, and visited the Midway.
And they planned a wonderful birthday for me!
Thank you Rachel and Tyler--I love you!
They bought me flowers . . .
And joined me for dinner . . .
Twice . . . (OK, more than twice . . .)
And we fed the ducks . . . many times! I wish I could have spent more time with my kids!
It was a productive week though--I completed some important tasks both for the Army and BSC, so it was worth the effort.
We are back in EDH now, so watch out (after all, Rachel is driving!)!