Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Shoot, move, and communicate . . .

Life continues to be busy here at Ft. Jackson--today I qualified on the M4 . . . during pre-qualification. I was happy because it was already "Heat CAT V," REALLY hot. I left the range to work on disbursing operations (lots of forms, figures, and calculations). I'm looking forward to this weekend so I can study, work on distance learning modules in resource management, and rest. I wish I had more time to write, but my writing wouldn't be very exciting right now . . . unless you like forms! ;)

Technically, we are finished with our "core" learning, but we aren't really finished--we still have our FTX toward the end of August. We will be spending a few days in a FOB working with students in other schools here at Ft. Jackson on finance operations in the field. Plus, we will go on our live convoy then (already trained on a simulator)--I get to drive a Humvee . . . (I don't think they saw me drive before my selection) . . .  ;)

Oh, you know life is good . . .  Cheers!

1 comment:

Frances said...

Various kinds of training could definitely be done on simulators offered by websites such as